2012 in survey form
1. What did you do in 2012 that you
had never done before?
I visited Croatia, I started circuit
training, I got a vintage bike, I went to Hednas vintage night club, cooked
dinner for 12.. I’ve done lots of
new things this year but these we’re my favs.
2. Did you keep your new years
resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Yes, I’ve exercised more and been
more healthy, had some more “me” time, and visited a non EU country.
3. How will you be spending your new
years eve?
In Bedford. For once I’m going to sit
in and chill out- watch all the celebrations on the TV.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no.
5. What countries did you visit?
WALES! Croatia, Brugge.
6. What would you like to have in
2013 that you lacked in 2012?
More adventures!
7. What date from 2012 will remain
etched upon your memory and why?
I’m not sure… so much amazing stuff
has happened- you can see that by my blog posts!
8. What was your biggest achievement
of the year?
I got a better job. I now love my
9. What was your biggest failure?
Trying to organize a school trip to
CERN. I need to learn to take on one project at a time! Not 10!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
yeah. Poorly back! L
11. What was the best thing you
Hedna’s tickets! That was and
incredible evening!
12. Where did most of your money go?
We’re saving for a house deposit… so
it hasn’t gone on anything yet..
Other than that it was probably
fixing my car!
13. What song will always remind you
of 2012?
Lana del ray- Born to Die.. not quite
as depressing as it sounds, honest.
14. What do you wish you'd done more
Travelling and adventures, this year
my most spoken line has been “I’m sorry, I have too much work to do and I
I also wish I’d taken more “me” time-
reading books and watching films- I’ve always got a backlog of stuff to read
and watch.
15. What do you wish you'd done less
Watching pointless TV. So
16. What was you favourite TV
Coast. I may have a bit of a geek
crush on the Scottish guy.. maybe.. sshhhhhh I also love call the midwife.
17. Do you hate anyone now that you
didn't hate this time last year?
No, I don’t hate anyone.
18. What was the best book you read?
My sister lives on the mantle piece.
19. What was your greatest musical
Mark Lanegan, Lana del ray!
20. What was your favorite film of
this year?
When I have a crappy day I sometimes
put on one of my costume dramas and cwtch up on the sofa..
21. What did you do on your birthday?
I went to Hedna’s vintage nightclub
and got all dressed up 1940s. It was an incredible adventure- such a good
22. What kept you sane?
Tea. Traff. Good music.
23. Who did you miss?
I’m missing my friends and family! I’m
better this year at seeing people but I still don’t see everyone s often as I’d
24. Who was the best new person that
you met?
25. Tell us a valuable life lesson
that you learned in 2012?
Take it one stage at a time! Life
does not have to be lived at 100mph. sometimes you just have to be patient.
I have no idea what the year 2012
will bring but I hope that with a positive attitude and determination it will
be a great year. I am excited for the future
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