Whilst I appreciate some people will think this post is too personal or even inappropriate, but hopefully this will be positive- and maybe even helpful to someone else.
Anyone who knows me well will know that I have an "interesting" scar on my right side- to be more specific I pretty much have 1/2 a breast.
The scar was caused by an operation I had as a small child because my lung collapsed, but the shape of the scar looks like I've had a partial mastectomy.
I was referred to the hospital not because I'm bothered about how I look (I've always looked like this- and thankfully I'm amply endowed up top so attention is normally not attracted to my side- on top of which I've had almost 25 years of practice at dressing to hide it) but because where it is it forces my bra to fall funny so it's grazed the skin on my side- easily treated with some steroid cream and E45.
The consultant asked if I would consider seeing a prosthetics specialist- this has mutual benefits:
1)I get a prosthetic that fits in the gap and means all my clothes and underwear fit and stop injuring me.
2) this means I'll have something to hold up my bridesmaids dress for sarah's wedding and reduces the chances of upstaging the bride by ending up with my boob hanging out.
and most importantly:
3) This could offer a non surgical solution to other women who have had a mastectomy or lost breast tissue through operations like I have - IF we can get it to work.
This hasn't been attempted before- largely because it's a tricky area to mould, and because no-one knows what the results would be like- I've always looked like this, so if it doesn't work I won't be bothered. I imagine if you've lost that part of your body and it affects the way you see yourself, it could be quite difficult and emotional if it didn't work.
I am a guinea pig.
Who would think having a wonky boob could potentially offer so much to other people? ha ha
Anyway, today we took the final mould and one of the nurses from the breast care and cancer wing came to watch and asked all kinds of questions.
We had to explain that we're still at the experimental stage but she was really excited for the possibilities, which was encouraging.
Although, I get the impression that recently I've got my boobs out for more people than your average lap dancer. "would you mind if I just have a look..?"
I will have my prosthesis by half term- then I have to wear it and see if it works, and what could be improved, then we go back and in the summer I'll have maybe 4 or 5 close together appointments to make changes and finalise it.
Then we have to see if it can be camouflaged on the edges with make up, and which adhesives will work the best.
I am hopeful that this will work, obviously my needs aren't exactly pressing or great, but I can see why this could be awesome.
The scars on my side have too much scar tissue to be fixed surgically without it being an enormous procedure which will leave me looking more like the bride of frankenstein than a vogue cover- for me, I don't think surgery will ever be an option, I'm comfortable with myself how I am.
I can't imagine how upsetting that statement would be though to someone who has just received cancer treatment "I'm sorry, but theres nothing we can do to make your breast look like it should".
Also, on a lighter note; if my boob falls off in public, don't worry about it- we'll probably be at the "adhesive testing" stage!
I think this is awesome. Also having your boobs out more times than a lap dancer! I've felt like that lately with various appts and will happily whip em out! Lol. Let me know how it goes. X