Sunday 22 November 2015

Dan, Sah and Alice came to play.

The title of thus post is quite literal. Sah and dan are down to see dan's family,  get some xmas shopping in and to see traff wrestle on Sunday.  They popped over with Alice on Friday for pizza and a catch up which was awesome. There is nothing better than take away and good company! Simple pleasures!

Now Alice is a bit older we were able to play some imaginative games- only we didn't have a whole lot of age appropriate toys!
We played racing snails ( and I managed to break all of them) and I managed to find a playmobil viking and dragon for her. She was fascinated when she realised you could take his helmet and cloak off but quite horrified when his hair fell off. Daddy had to fix it.

She had remembered that we have letter magnets on our fridge and I accidentally taught her that you can carry more letters at once if you put then in a bowl. We're missing a lot of vowels.  I suspect they are under the sofa.
It's funny the things children remember. I have so much respect for anyone with small children- They ask so many questions and after a whole day at work I just couldn't think fast enough to keep up- that and she sometimes asks questions in Welsh, which messes with your head a bit! I do not have enough energy! How do you do it?!

I also have a wind up goldfish that ray bought us as a joke because no-legs kept eating all his friends.
We had to spend a very long time watching it swim around the bath. I really wish as easy to please!

So, It's playmobil for her birthday and I had fun putting the letter back on the fridge.  Well, the ones I've found so far.

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