Saturday 24 March 2012

Today will be hotter than bermuda. apparently.

So, what will I do with myself?!

I'm thinking I'll probably want to go outside at some point. Maybe for a walk or take the bike somwhere. It's a shame I don't know Bedford better- there are some woodland areas that would be lush walks but I have no idea how to get to them- and no-one to come and save me if I get lost.

I might go and explore the graveyard in brickhill.
thats been an intention for a while.

And I have to do some work for work- I'm writing booklets for a scheme of work- and then some powerpoints with the learning objevtives and outcomes on them. it's much more work than I thought it would be.

I'm toying with the idea of cycling to tesco.
I have visions of my backpack ending up full of milk.

Oh, and I need to tidy my house. before Traff comes back. and has a breakdown because of the mess.
I keep loosing stuff in the chaos.

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