Thursday 1 March 2012

Honey face mask- bust magazine

Despite what beauty companies want you to think, taking care of your skin does not have to be expensive. It also doesn't mean you're limited to the beauty aisle at Target to clean out those pores. Sometimes the best remedy for stressed skin is sitting in your very own food pantry (or in my case a cardboard box in my cramped apartment). Pure raw honey is an amazing treatment for any skin type, whether you're oily, dry, sensitive, combination, or even normal. Honey can be combined with other fridge-found items to customize each treatment, like milk and honey for dry skin, sea salt and honey for oily skin, and yogurt and honey for blotchy skin. Personally, I find honey alone to be a great remedy for tired, inflamed skin that has seen calmer days.
To make a honey mask it's crucial that you drop the $8-12 for pure, raw honey or organic honey. Manuka honey is also a wonderful option but that liquid gold costs about twice as much as the regular stuff. Raw honey is not filtered and contains the essential enzymes and healthy good stuff that will benefit the skin, which is why cheap honey is no bueno when making a face mask. Honey has natural antimicrobial properties that when applied topically kill bacteria living on the skin, especially if you have any scrapes or abrasions. Honey also tones the skin (this I only know from experience) and provides immediate effects, such as calming inflammation and relieving redness. 
 To apply the honey, simply use clean fingers and smear it on fresh skin, leaving it on for however long you want. The beauty of the honey mask is that unlike masks found in drug stores or department stores, the amount of time you leave it on has no adverse effects whatsoever. The only downside is you may be tempted to lick it off your face, in which case, go ahead. Honey mask don't care!
When it's time to remove the honey mask, you may want to let the steam from your shower or sink hit your face for a couple minutes in order to let the honey truly penetrate the deeper layers of skin. Then, using warm water and a gentle touch, wash off the honey until your face is clean (note: it should feel soft and not squeaky). Pat dry, and then you're done! The honey should be moisturizing enough so you don't need to apply any extra moisturizer afterwards.

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