Saturday 21 October 2017

Budapest- Day 5

In traditional holiday style, it pissed it down on the last day!
In hindsight we should have just gone to the bath house, but we did try to make a day of it.
Monday was Hungarian day so was a national holiday.
Therefore, not much was open.

We took the tram to the market but it was closed. Then walked to a museum (also closed) then gave up and got the metro back to see the basilica.
We did get to see the illuminated, mummified right hand of saint stephen. So not all bad!

Ray and Andy braved the rain to climb the tower. Kirstie, phil and I went to a cat cafe for hot chocolate!

I.met with Ray and Andy later as we were flying home together.
We mooched in the rain and had more Hungarian food. I love the food in Budapest. It's delicious.

After dinner we went to the cat cafe for pudding and so that they could enjoy the experience too.

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