Monday 7 April 2014

100 Days happy- Day 51

Monday. And I'm on holibobs!

I met up with Tats to do some shopping for white fabric items to tie dye on Wednesday, and to buy the dye.
I got 2 strappy tops from primark and some baby gros- as if my friends insist on having babies I think they should be hippy dressed. I also had 2 old tops, a pillow case and a length of fabric which I want for another project to dye. Traff has some buckets we've been using as planters so he's given me them to use- I've put everything inside them so I won't forget anything on Wednesday. I just need to remember to buy the salt.

We got dye from Beals- they didn't have many colours though and we ended up getting blue, green and purple so we had some colours that at least went together a little bit.

After our shopping Tats and I went to costa for Chai latte and met Karl.
Tat's helped me start another project off- as the starting part of granny squares I find really difficult- I'm learning though. I did feel a bit crazy crocheting in a coffee shop!
I started a second project when I got home to solidify in my mind how to start the square.
I'm pretty pleased with myself! Although, this now means I have 3 massive projects on the go at once- usually I have one big project and some smaller things to be working on. I do have small projects I want to do, but I think these monsters need to be the focus for now!

So, in a break with my crafting tradition, here are the 3 projects I'm working on now- all of them are xmas presents and 2 of them are for family, the blue one is for my Nanna- that one is 2/3 done. the grey and green one is for my parents as it'll match the colour scheme in their front room - thats like 1/6 done now and the yellow one is for one of my friends and again, is 1/6 done.
So, the good news is that I'm making progress!
And I learned to do something that I couldn't do before.

Traff's at work later, So, I might work on them a bit more, or I might look for a biscuit recipe for when Traff's parents arrive on Thursday, so that we can give them something to keep in the hotel and go with their coffee/snack on etc.
I'll make them tomorrow.

Mooching about online I found some free downloads for gift tags which I'll be using for parceling up my home made xmas presents.
I also found a printable for a vintage style popcorn box- which I might use to package smaller presents- maybe with cellophane round it. I'm undecided yet.
I found a printable for home made seed packets too- Unfortunately we don't have any seeds yet, but maybe soon!
I figured I'd better start thinking about packaging my home made awesomeness as I don't want to get to December and realise I still have loads of extra work to do.

I've also ordered some photo frames from Ikea- to put photos in-obviously- which make up some of my presents. I ordered 10 frames, and with deliver the total cost was £30. £3 per frame is pretty damn good- I'll have to remember that one!

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