Tuesday, 31 December 2013
2013 in Survey form
1. What did you do in 2013 that you had never done before?I visited Geneva- and saw the Hadron Collider, I made a christmas cake, and a rug for the front room, Did glass blowing, Went on a UK road trip, Was a bridesmaid... sooo much stuff happened this year!
2. Did you keep your new years resolutions and will you make more for next year?
NOPE. oops, I had a go though!
I'll make some less complicated resolutions for 2014.
3. How will you be spending your new years eve?
At a party in Reading with Kirstie- her friends band will be performing and I've been promising to see them for ages!
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no.
5. What countries did you visit?
Only Switzerland this year- Thats pretty tame for me!
6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
More travel!
7. What date from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
I've done so much cool stuff this year I can't name one specific date- this has been an epic year!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I lost 3 stone so that was a pretty big deal for me- and I've been trying to be healthier now that I'm on the mend from being ill (Which caused the weight gain in the first place!).
9. What was your biggest failure?
I'm not sure I had any "failures"- not anything that was such a complete disaster I couldn't learn from it.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?yes, but I've been on the mend since May- and properly almost back to normal since September... Fingers crossed it keeps up!
11. What was the best thing you bought?Gig tickets!- this year we've seen Rasputina,soundgarden, Deftones, Alice in Chains, Mark Lanegan, Mudhoney and the meat puppets.
Lots of adventures.
12. Where did most of your money go?
New car. Holiday- we're off to Malaysia in May!
13. What song will always remind you of 2013?
The justified theme song- I hate that TV series but Traff's mad about it.
14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Photography- my camera broke almost a year ago so this year has been marked by a lack of photos- Also wish I'd done more crafting. I need to join the WI!
15. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Less paperwork for work!
16. What was you favourite TV programme?Lewis! - I've been recording them on the TiVo box and watching them back before bed! I loved the morse books but wasn't super keen on the TV show- I like this much better!
17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No, I don’t hate anyone.
18. What was the best book you read?
Anything by PD James- Death comes to pemberly was probably my fav. so far.
19. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Sonic Youth.
20. What was your favorite film of this year?
The vampires assistant- based on the Darren Shan Books- I hadn't seen in before although I think it's quite old- It's really true to the books!
21. What did you do on your birthday?
My sister organised me a surprise party- and it really was a surprise- completely unexpected!
22. What kept you sane?Tea. Traff. Good music.
23. Who did you miss?
I'm missing Randi at work now she's living n Malaysia- and I still miss all my friends who are in cardiff/Bristol/ Durham so I don't get to see them so often.
24. Who was the best new person that you met?
25. Tell us a valuable life lesson that you learned in 2013?
All in good time? Things happen for a reason?
I have no idea what the year 2014 will bring but I hope that with a positive attitude and determination it will be a great year. I am excited for the future!
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Merry Christmas! :D
I just wanted to blog about my monster of a cake- I know blogging on Xmas morning is a little unusual- Christmas is a little unusual at this year as I'm in my Flat- not in my Parents conservatory with one of their rescue xmas trees.
And Ray and John are at work. So they're staying in Oxfordshire and cooking dinner for some of the guys from work.
Incidentally, this is also the only year (Bar the Christmas in Australia) I haven't been to All Saints Church in Didcot for Carols. No Carols this year :(
I'm feeling excited, but maybe not so festive- I've done my best to dress festive- black dress, red belt, green cardigan, giant bejewelled pineapple necklace- Maybe I'll festive up once I collect my Parents from their hotel.
I've text everyone to wish them a merry christmas too- Every year I forget and feel guilty as the texts roll in- but this year I'm on top of my game!
This, by the way- is the cake which took all day yesterday to make-

There are several lessons to be learned here-
1) I should have halved the cake mix as this thing is a MONSTER. I can barely lift it!
2) The "baked filling" is actually patisserie custard without the egg yolk- I guess they don't really eat that in America? It didn't click for me until it started to set- And I realised it wouldn't set properly without the egg.. so that was a bit disastrous. it was very runny- the top of the cake slid off when I was trying to get it to cool in the fridge (whilst praying to the god of set jellies- there is no other deity which can assist under such difficult circumstances)! so next time I'd either just make the custard properly or substitute for whipped cream- which would probably be easier to work with and less distressing.
3) the chocolate icing is AMAZING. I ate an awful lot yesterday. So did Karl- he was chief cake tester. 4 bars of dark (85%) Chocolate, a whole tub of bourneville, a whole cup of black coffee, one entire pat of butter (Melted) and a box if icing sugar- How could this not be delicious?! it's still got a bitter kick to it which I wanted- as the cake is quite sweet- the "Custard" is very sweet and the cherries are sweet with a luxardo aftertaste.
4) The only issue with the icing was that it really needed to set on the cake in the fridge- fine for us as we're eating out today so no turkey in our refrigerator- otherwise I'd probably have cried.
I would do this again, it's worked out pretty well- all the individual parts taste delicious so I'm hoping that the overall effect will be amazing.
I'll keep you posted.

I want to open my presents now, but I think I'll have to wait until after dinner so Traff is home from work. :( Bah humbug.
I know Traff got me a camera, so I'm tempted to open it early so I can use it...
Is that Naughty?
Or should I just use my phone camera today so he can see how delighted I am with it when I open it?
We're off to the Toby carvery for Lunch - at 3pm- and then in the evening we've got some films and "The London Game" to play.
I did buy cheese and crackers to incase we're hungry later.
And proper coffee to perk us up in our post lunch slump!
Just thought I'd add some of our very merry photos from xmas day:

This is my Dad modelling my joke present from Randi- she bought everyone really weird malaysian stuff as presents.
We're not sure how to wear this...
Cool wrapping paper from my Nan:

The dinner at the Carvery- I was delighted that I was able to have Gammon, not Turkey, which I think is overrated and a bit gross:

And us at the Carvery:

And Ray and John are at work. So they're staying in Oxfordshire and cooking dinner for some of the guys from work.
Incidentally, this is also the only year (Bar the Christmas in Australia) I haven't been to All Saints Church in Didcot for Carols. No Carols this year :(
I'm feeling excited, but maybe not so festive- I've done my best to dress festive- black dress, red belt, green cardigan, giant bejewelled pineapple necklace- Maybe I'll festive up once I collect my Parents from their hotel.
I've text everyone to wish them a merry christmas too- Every year I forget and feel guilty as the texts roll in- but this year I'm on top of my game!
This, by the way- is the cake which took all day yesterday to make-

There are several lessons to be learned here-
1) I should have halved the cake mix as this thing is a MONSTER. I can barely lift it!
2) The "baked filling" is actually patisserie custard without the egg yolk- I guess they don't really eat that in America? It didn't click for me until it started to set- And I realised it wouldn't set properly without the egg.. so that was a bit disastrous. it was very runny- the top of the cake slid off when I was trying to get it to cool in the fridge (whilst praying to the god of set jellies- there is no other deity which can assist under such difficult circumstances)! so next time I'd either just make the custard properly or substitute for whipped cream- which would probably be easier to work with and less distressing.
3) the chocolate icing is AMAZING. I ate an awful lot yesterday. So did Karl- he was chief cake tester. 4 bars of dark (85%) Chocolate, a whole tub of bourneville, a whole cup of black coffee, one entire pat of butter (Melted) and a box if icing sugar- How could this not be delicious?! it's still got a bitter kick to it which I wanted- as the cake is quite sweet- the "Custard" is very sweet and the cherries are sweet with a luxardo aftertaste.
4) The only issue with the icing was that it really needed to set on the cake in the fridge- fine for us as we're eating out today so no turkey in our refrigerator- otherwise I'd probably have cried.
I would do this again, it's worked out pretty well- all the individual parts taste delicious so I'm hoping that the overall effect will be amazing.
I'll keep you posted.

I want to open my presents now, but I think I'll have to wait until after dinner so Traff is home from work. :( Bah humbug.
I know Traff got me a camera, so I'm tempted to open it early so I can use it...
Is that Naughty?
Or should I just use my phone camera today so he can see how delighted I am with it when I open it?
We're off to the Toby carvery for Lunch - at 3pm- and then in the evening we've got some films and "The London Game" to play.
I did buy cheese and crackers to incase we're hungry later.
And proper coffee to perk us up in our post lunch slump!
Just thought I'd add some of our very merry photos from xmas day:

This is my Dad modelling my joke present from Randi- she bought everyone really weird malaysian stuff as presents.
We're not sure how to wear this...
Cool wrapping paper from my Nan:

The dinner at the Carvery- I was delighted that I was able to have Gammon, not Turkey, which I think is overrated and a bit gross:

And us at the Carvery:

Monday, 23 December 2013
Glassblowing @ the national glass centre, The North and The road trip
The weather today is so rubbish- the sky is go grey and overcast the house is dark even with all the curtains open and the lights on.
It feels wintery but not yet festive.

We were supposed to be in Durham today- arriving back this evening- but we cut our trip short to avoid all the bad weather in the North- and the Christmas traffic (No trains, loads of flooding and gales up to 90mph made us think our journey would take us much longer than the prescribed 4 hours).
We got back about midnight after a stop off at McDonalds somewhere north of Nottingham.
I highly recommend the cheesy bites and festive ketchup.
I do not, however recommend "I spy" on the M1A in the dark.
Not much to spy.
The perks of driving back last night- other than missing the traffic (Entirely!) and the awful weather - were that we got to see the harvest moon (Bright yellow and not quite full) And Venus.
I've been at a loss as to what to do with myself all day so far- I got the chocolate and coco powder for my cake icing tomorrow, Traff text and asked me to pick him up a video game in CEX so I have and I stopped off at the Samaritans charity shop for a jumper but ended up buying 5 PD James books instead.
That'll tide me over until I decode what to do with myself.

I'm meeting Michelle for Cake and Coffee later too.
At Fancy.
Perhaps I can glean cake inspiration.
We drove to Abi's in Durham on Friday evening- I spent my drive home from work with the traffic report on listening to how awful the traffic and tailbacks were al over the UK and mentally damning the idea of going anywhere so close to Christmas.
I ate a whole M&S Pizza to myself in preparation for being stuck in traffic until the new year.
Ray and Kirstie arrived at 7, we set off, and the roads were pretty clear.
By the time we'd passed peterborough we were only seeing another car every few minutes.
We got as far as Melton Mowbray before I decided I needed to pee- It's a running joke with my family and close friends that as soon as I get in the car I seem to get a crazy need to pee- I think it's because I know I can't go for a set length of time.
Ray managed to direct us into the services- but once we'd parked up it was so windy we couldn't open the car doors- we had to wait for the wind to subside.
Super 70s services.
Burger king with hats.
All good.
We set off from the services following the satnav and it lead us a merry dance round rural england- we did see some very festively decorated houses though, so it wasn't all bad.
Ray eventually re-directed us to the A1 M and we arrived in Durham without any further detours.
On Saturday we went Glass blowing in Sunderland, we booked onto a workshop to make christmas tree baubles in October- without really any idea what to expect.

It was a really interesting and enjoyable experience- The staff at the glass centre were really calm and helpful- they demo'd the making of the bauble first and then we made our baubles one at a time- unfortunately infont of an audience but it took sooo much concentration I forgot they were there!

First you choose your colours- I did mine purple and green with little bits of white so it'll look frosted.
Then the glass centre staff get the molten glass from the kiln on the end of the pole, they hand you the pole- with warnings about where to toutch it- and you roll the molten glass on top of the coloured glass flecks.
That done, you carry the glass, on the pole, to another kiln to be heated so that it can expand easily when blown (At this point I decided I wanted my bauble to be stripey so you melt the glass and turn the pole at the same time! eeek!)
The next stage is to blow the air into the bauble to make the shape-the staff shape the glass to make it round with a paddle and they turn the pole as you blow into it.
It took like 4 goes to get the required size.
the staff then remove the blown glass from the pole (This is probably the riskiest part as if you do it wrong the whole thing will break) and then made a molten glass hook for the top of the bauble.
It then goes in the kiln for 3 days.
Ours will be posted tomorrow so will be here maybe before new year.
we drove back from Sunderland to Durham via the second biggest Tescos in the UK.
For Curry supplies and Peanut butter cup ben and Jerry's Ice cream!
This is my new favourite flavour.

We spent the evening watching Ru Paul's Drag race.
This is now possible my new favourite TV show.
On Sunday we went to Tynemouth.
Tynemouth has a massive flea market in the Metro station- They had some really sweet individual items, loads of vintage and some quirky clothes.
Abi was disappointed as last time she'f been there were more vintage and unusual items- but this being the run up to Christmas most stallholders had toned it down to attract christmas shoppers.
I was still impressed!

We went to the raspberry Bazaar and to the converted church- were we got retro sweets and I failed to recognise a nativity scene.
I tried to convince everyone they wanted to go on the beach, but it was genuinely freezing so I accepted the compromise of walking the harbour wall- but when we got there it was gated off with warnings about the expected weather.

It feels wintery but not yet festive.

We were supposed to be in Durham today- arriving back this evening- but we cut our trip short to avoid all the bad weather in the North- and the Christmas traffic (No trains, loads of flooding and gales up to 90mph made us think our journey would take us much longer than the prescribed 4 hours).
We got back about midnight after a stop off at McDonalds somewhere north of Nottingham.
I highly recommend the cheesy bites and festive ketchup.
I do not, however recommend "I spy" on the M1A in the dark.
Not much to spy.
The perks of driving back last night- other than missing the traffic (Entirely!) and the awful weather - were that we got to see the harvest moon (Bright yellow and not quite full) And Venus.
I've been at a loss as to what to do with myself all day so far- I got the chocolate and coco powder for my cake icing tomorrow, Traff text and asked me to pick him up a video game in CEX so I have and I stopped off at the Samaritans charity shop for a jumper but ended up buying 5 PD James books instead.
That'll tide me over until I decode what to do with myself.

I'm meeting Michelle for Cake and Coffee later too.
At Fancy.
Perhaps I can glean cake inspiration.
We drove to Abi's in Durham on Friday evening- I spent my drive home from work with the traffic report on listening to how awful the traffic and tailbacks were al over the UK and mentally damning the idea of going anywhere so close to Christmas.
I ate a whole M&S Pizza to myself in preparation for being stuck in traffic until the new year.
Ray and Kirstie arrived at 7, we set off, and the roads were pretty clear.
By the time we'd passed peterborough we were only seeing another car every few minutes.
We got as far as Melton Mowbray before I decided I needed to pee- It's a running joke with my family and close friends that as soon as I get in the car I seem to get a crazy need to pee- I think it's because I know I can't go for a set length of time.
Ray managed to direct us into the services- but once we'd parked up it was so windy we couldn't open the car doors- we had to wait for the wind to subside.
Super 70s services.
Burger king with hats.
All good.
We set off from the services following the satnav and it lead us a merry dance round rural england- we did see some very festively decorated houses though, so it wasn't all bad.
Ray eventually re-directed us to the A1 M and we arrived in Durham without any further detours.
On Saturday we went Glass blowing in Sunderland, we booked onto a workshop to make christmas tree baubles in October- without really any idea what to expect.

It was a really interesting and enjoyable experience- The staff at the glass centre were really calm and helpful- they demo'd the making of the bauble first and then we made our baubles one at a time- unfortunately infont of an audience but it took sooo much concentration I forgot they were there!

First you choose your colours- I did mine purple and green with little bits of white so it'll look frosted.
Then the glass centre staff get the molten glass from the kiln on the end of the pole, they hand you the pole- with warnings about where to toutch it- and you roll the molten glass on top of the coloured glass flecks.
That done, you carry the glass, on the pole, to another kiln to be heated so that it can expand easily when blown (At this point I decided I wanted my bauble to be stripey so you melt the glass and turn the pole at the same time! eeek!)
The next stage is to blow the air into the bauble to make the shape-the staff shape the glass to make it round with a paddle and they turn the pole as you blow into it.
It took like 4 goes to get the required size.
the staff then remove the blown glass from the pole (This is probably the riskiest part as if you do it wrong the whole thing will break) and then made a molten glass hook for the top of the bauble.
It then goes in the kiln for 3 days.
Ours will be posted tomorrow so will be here maybe before new year.
we drove back from Sunderland to Durham via the second biggest Tescos in the UK.
For Curry supplies and Peanut butter cup ben and Jerry's Ice cream!
This is my new favourite flavour.

We spent the evening watching Ru Paul's Drag race.
This is now possible my new favourite TV show.
On Sunday we went to Tynemouth.
Tynemouth has a massive flea market in the Metro station- They had some really sweet individual items, loads of vintage and some quirky clothes.
Abi was disappointed as last time she'f been there were more vintage and unusual items- but this being the run up to Christmas most stallholders had toned it down to attract christmas shoppers.
I was still impressed!

We went to the raspberry Bazaar and to the converted church- were we got retro sweets and I failed to recognise a nativity scene.
I tried to convince everyone they wanted to go on the beach, but it was genuinely freezing so I accepted the compromise of walking the harbour wall- but when we got there it was gated off with warnings about the expected weather.

Saturday, 14 December 2013
Xmas meal take 2!
I had another present from my secret angel at work-they were both delicious and perked up the last 2 days of the week at work.
I'll be on the look out for these.

Today I went out for dinner with my old colleagues- and current friends! we went to the needle and Awl in Rushden- it was fab- the service was ace, the food was ace and the crackers had dinosaurs in them!
So, we're now all ready to be super festive!
And to top off all the excitement, Simon came down from cornwall to see us all too!

I had an awesome time, but I'm not sure how many more christmas dinners I can eat before I will explode.
Another awesome outcome from Today was seeing Lynsey - She's going to help me put on a science fair and awards ceremony in the summer. I'll be relieved to have her to support me as I've never met anyone more organised!
I have also been super spoilt this week- Traff brought me some presents back from Spain too- A candle holder in the shape of a bicycle.
And some home-made presents from his mum- She knitted us a father christmas- he's nestled in the christmas tree- and a headband which I plan to wear to Hednas in March... and perhaps for other important events too.
But as it's light coloured and delicate I think it needs to be a head-dress for best.

I also finished my book- Death comes to pemberley by PD James- It was brilliant! I really enjoyed it- and was hugely amused by the references to other Austen Characters- Keep your eyes peeled for them.
It was an easy going read.
One you can pick up and put down and still remember what happened- which is ideal for reading when I'm not on holiday.
I am now fully prepared for boxing day and can watch the BBC dramatisation (8pm) without guilt.
I'll be on the look out for these.

Today I went out for dinner with my old colleagues- and current friends! we went to the needle and Awl in Rushden- it was fab- the service was ace, the food was ace and the crackers had dinosaurs in them!
So, we're now all ready to be super festive!
And to top off all the excitement, Simon came down from cornwall to see us all too!

I had an awesome time, but I'm not sure how many more christmas dinners I can eat before I will explode.
Another awesome outcome from Today was seeing Lynsey - She's going to help me put on a science fair and awards ceremony in the summer. I'll be relieved to have her to support me as I've never met anyone more organised!
I have also been super spoilt this week- Traff brought me some presents back from Spain too- A candle holder in the shape of a bicycle.
And some home-made presents from his mum- She knitted us a father christmas- he's nestled in the christmas tree- and a headband which I plan to wear to Hednas in March... and perhaps for other important events too.
But as it's light coloured and delicate I think it needs to be a head-dress for best.

I also finished my book- Death comes to pemberley by PD James- It was brilliant! I really enjoyed it- and was hugely amused by the references to other Austen Characters- Keep your eyes peeled for them.
It was an easy going read.
One you can pick up and put down and still remember what happened- which is ideal for reading when I'm not on holiday.
I am now fully prepared for boxing day and can watch the BBC dramatisation (8pm) without guilt.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Nice easy christmas craft!-Drinking straw Xmas tree stars- From Etsy
You will need:
12 plastic drinking straws
1 small zip tie
18″ piece of twine
Gold spray paint
Decorative ribbon
12 plastic drinking straws
1 small zip tie
18″ piece of twine
Gold spray paint
Decorative ribbon

1. Gather 12 straws together into a zip tie. Make sure they are snug, but not tight.

2. String the twine through the center of the bunch and let it hang evenly out of both ends of the straw bundle.

3. Close the zip tie very tightly around the straws and twine.

4. Spread out the straws so that they’re evenly spaced.

5. Clip the tail off the zip tie.

6. Bring both sides of the twine together into a knot and use this to hold the ornament while painting.

7. Spray paint the ornament the color of your choice.

8. Let dry, then adorn with colorful ribbon and hang from the tree.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Ceramics and saltdough
I'll start with my painted salt though xmas tree decorations- I'd like to remind you there were cut and cooked by 8 year olds, giving a "lumpy bumpy texture".

OK, lets move swiftly on to making ceramic tealight holders:
This is Tat's handiwork:

This is Sophies:

And this is mine:

I tried really hard to put it together myself, but in
the end I had to give up and find professional help!
It needs to dry for 2 weeks now before going into a kiln to be fired- then it will be glazed. The clay goes white when fired so this should hopefully look pretty cool.

OK, lets move swiftly on to making ceramic tealight holders:
This is Tat's handiwork:

This is Sophies:

And this is mine:

I tried really hard to put it together myself, but in

It needs to dry for 2 weeks now before going into a kiln to be fired- then it will be glazed. The clay goes white when fired so this should hopefully look pretty cool.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
New books and the "christmas cake plan".
I'll just start this by saying today has been a right day! I got a letter to tell me our rent is being increased and then got incorrectly charged by Virgin media so had to spend an hour on hold to sort that out- and the binbag split when I took the bins out leaving a train of teabags like Hansel and Gretal crumbs.
Except more gross.
I comforted myself by saying bad things happen in 3s- and then the woman in waterstones was rude to me! (yes, I know, it's Christmas and she probably has had to deal with 10001 people who never go to bookshops usually and need loads of assistance and asking silly questions, and kids running riot and probably my surname being difficult to spell was the last straw, but giving me a new surname won't help).
Or maybe I'm now due 2 more bad experiences?
Please say I'm not!
Today has been a good day too- Sarah and Dan came over and bough Alice- who's now learned to walk- she's a bit wobbly but she's so there! she can stand up more than long enough to remove all the items from the book case/magnets off the fridge/ things off the coffee table- Next time the visit we'll have to just put everything in crates and put it back out after she's super quick and agile.The coat I bought her last year now fits (I bought it too big ready for this year!) and she looks sooooo cute in it!
We had tea and fondant fancies.
This afternoon I had set myself some missions-
I went into town to go to the pop up shop.
Loads of really god handcrafted items from local artists and everything was selling super quickly! Today was the first day it was open (It's also small business day! support the little guys!) and already most of the art has sold. There are some beautiful things and there will be some very lucky people getting awesome and individual xmas presents.

Here is the link to the event incase you wanted to visit or find out more:
I also went to Waterstones to look at the Malaysia book they'd ordered in- it had 3 pages on Penang so it actually wasn't very useful.
Back to the drawing board on that front I suppose.
Randi is coming to stay the week after next so maybe she'll have some suggestions for me for good books to buy and I do have helens book on Asia in the mean time. I'm going to ry and persuade Randi to book for us to do a Malaysian cookery course whilst we're out there.
I also looked for a copy of"death comes to pemberly" by PD James. They had an awesome looking copy of Crime and Punishment- Which is my all time favourite book. My copy is so well read the pages have started to fall out- I can't say I wasn't tempted to treat myself.

They didn't have a copy so I've ordered it through their website (I know, they were rude and didn't deserve my custom but I can't remember my amazon password and I tried ALL the charity shops on my way home for a copy too).

I have never read anything by PD James before- but as you know I adore Jane Austen's work and I'm curious to see what this sequel is like- I know it's quite tongue in cheek.
And, I have to read it before Boxing day as the book has been turned into a TV Drama and will be showing- at the same time as Downton Abbey (which I haven't watched any of so theres no competition there even if you'd like there to be Daily Mail!)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2516159/Downton-Darcy-Let-battle-begin-Cool-Mary-faces-prim-Lizzie-clash-Christmas-TV-titans.html#ixzz2moeHsflN
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My cake plan-
On Christmas day My parents and Traff will be here- Which will be awesome! I've got the london game to play in the evening and dinner is at 3:30 at the Carvery so that fits with Traff's work times- so everything was going smoothly- until my mum asked about christmas cake "to go with supper"(Which I also had forgotten about and must remember to buy english muffins and cheese).
1) I hate fruit cake. Theres just something odd about it. Cherries = fine. Everything else = Gross. Maybe it's just dried fruits I don't like in cake. I like them on their own!
2) It's too late to start one now as it has to sit for ages.
3) I did think about making one but I don't have anywhere to sit it and let it "rest".
4) The cookery teacher at work offered to teach the staff how to make their cakes but I forgot to go to the lesson and didn't feel brave enough or inclined (see 1) to bother to make one at home.
So, I require an alternative plan- this was handed to me on a plate (no pun intended) Today when Heather at Sprinkle bakes posted her most recent creation- Black forest cake.
I'm going to steal her alternative to cream- As there is no way we can fir a cake in the fridge! and her instructions for making the cherry filling (Whole cherries sounds difficult to cut) and for her frosting as it sounds interesting. The advantage of not using cream is that I can make the cake the day before, and keep the fillings in the fridge, assemble it xmas morning and then leave it out.
No melty/sour cream disaster.
I will however be using a normal chocolate cake recipe (Sprinkle bakes recipe uses buttermilk and I don't even know what that is!)- and it's doubtful mine will be as perfect as hers! *cake envy*
Boiled whipped vanilla filling
1/4 cup/32g flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups/460g whole milk
2 cups/1 lb unsalted butter, softened
2 cups/400g granulated sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract
24 oz. jar morello cherries in light syrup
3 tablespoons kirschwasser liqueur
1/4 cup/50g granulated sugar
6 oz. black cherry jam or jelly
1/2 cup/46g unsweet cocoa powder
1/2 cup/115g freshly brewed hot coffee
1/4 cup/50g granulated sugar
2 cups/1 lb. unsalted butter, softened
3 1/2 cups/ 1 1/2 lbs. semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled

If you think you're kitchen capable enough here is the link- but I know my kitchen limitations and even the frosting surpasses them!
Except more gross.
I comforted myself by saying bad things happen in 3s- and then the woman in waterstones was rude to me! (yes, I know, it's Christmas and she probably has had to deal with 10001 people who never go to bookshops usually and need loads of assistance and asking silly questions, and kids running riot and probably my surname being difficult to spell was the last straw, but giving me a new surname won't help).
Or maybe I'm now due 2 more bad experiences?
Please say I'm not!
Today has been a good day too- Sarah and Dan came over and bough Alice- who's now learned to walk- she's a bit wobbly but she's so there! she can stand up more than long enough to remove all the items from the book case/magnets off the fridge/ things off the coffee table- Next time the visit we'll have to just put everything in crates and put it back out after she's super quick and agile.The coat I bought her last year now fits (I bought it too big ready for this year!) and she looks sooooo cute in it!
We had tea and fondant fancies.
This afternoon I had set myself some missions-
I went into town to go to the pop up shop.
Loads of really god handcrafted items from local artists and everything was selling super quickly! Today was the first day it was open (It's also small business day! support the little guys!) and already most of the art has sold. There are some beautiful things and there will be some very lucky people getting awesome and individual xmas presents.

Here is the link to the event incase you wanted to visit or find out more:
I also went to Waterstones to look at the Malaysia book they'd ordered in- it had 3 pages on Penang so it actually wasn't very useful.
Back to the drawing board on that front I suppose.
Randi is coming to stay the week after next so maybe she'll have some suggestions for me for good books to buy and I do have helens book on Asia in the mean time. I'm going to ry and persuade Randi to book for us to do a Malaysian cookery course whilst we're out there.
I also looked for a copy of"death comes to pemberly" by PD James. They had an awesome looking copy of Crime and Punishment- Which is my all time favourite book. My copy is so well read the pages have started to fall out- I can't say I wasn't tempted to treat myself.
They didn't have a copy so I've ordered it through their website (I know, they were rude and didn't deserve my custom but I can't remember my amazon password and I tried ALL the charity shops on my way home for a copy too).

I have never read anything by PD James before- but as you know I adore Jane Austen's work and I'm curious to see what this sequel is like- I know it's quite tongue in cheek.
And, I have to read it before Boxing day as the book has been turned into a TV Drama and will be showing- at the same time as Downton Abbey (which I haven't watched any of so theres no competition there even if you'd like there to be Daily Mail!)
Heaving bosoms, haughty put-downs, a smattering of suspicion and a huge dollop of deceit...
Add dazzling period costumes and a mysterious murder and the battle lines are drawn for the clash of the TV period dramas this Christmas.
Downton Abbey’s two-hour festive special is sure to attract millions of viewers to ITV. But not to be cowed, the BBC has responded by reviving one of literature’s greatest heroines – and one of its biggest audience hits – with an imaginative sequel to Pride And Prejudice.
As the dramas prepare to square up, The Mail on Sunday has been given exclusive access to both to predict which might come out on top. But don’t worry, we won’t ruin the endings.
- Your Xmas telly starts here! From a dashing new Mr Darcy to the return of Open All Hours, JAN MOIR, snuggles up on the sofa for a cracking Christmas on the box
- Beautiful pictures of cathedral’s candlelit procession to mark the start of Advent as the countdown to church’s Christmas celebration begins
Jane Austen’s best-known characters, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy, are returning to our screens thanks to a three-part adaptation of PD James’s best-selling novel Death Comes To Pemberley, with Matthew Rhys taking the romantic role of Darcy that catapulted the wet-shirted Colin Firth to stardom.
The sequel picks up the story when Darcy and Lizzie have been married for six years.
Now parents to two young sons, they are preparing for the annual ball at their palatial Pemberley home when the unannounced arrival of Lydia Wickham, Elizabeth’s wayward sister, brings an shocking halt to proceedings.
Shrieking loudly, Lydia stumbles out of her carriage yelling that her husband George, the caddish soldier with whom she eloped in Austen’s novel, has been murdered.
Darcy quickly sends out a search party and a bloody corpse is discovered. But is the victim Wickham, or his friend Captain Denny?
Meanwhile at Downton Abbey the Crawleys, too, are preparing for a party. The flighty Lady Rose is ‘coming out’ at her debutante’s ball where she will be presented to King George V, so the family have decamped to London.
And for widowed Lady Mary, the continued attentions of two adoring suitors – Lord Gillingham and Charles Blake – leads to an agonising quandary...
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2516159/Downton-Darcy-Let-battle-begin-Cool-Mary-faces-prim-Lizzie-clash-Christmas-TV-titans.html#ixzz2moeHsflN
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My cake plan-
On Christmas day My parents and Traff will be here- Which will be awesome! I've got the london game to play in the evening and dinner is at 3:30 at the Carvery so that fits with Traff's work times- so everything was going smoothly- until my mum asked about christmas cake "to go with supper"(Which I also had forgotten about and must remember to buy english muffins and cheese).
1) I hate fruit cake. Theres just something odd about it. Cherries = fine. Everything else = Gross. Maybe it's just dried fruits I don't like in cake. I like them on their own!
2) It's too late to start one now as it has to sit for ages.
3) I did think about making one but I don't have anywhere to sit it and let it "rest".
4) The cookery teacher at work offered to teach the staff how to make their cakes but I forgot to go to the lesson and didn't feel brave enough or inclined (see 1) to bother to make one at home.
So, I require an alternative plan- this was handed to me on a plate (no pun intended) Today when Heather at Sprinkle bakes posted her most recent creation- Black forest cake.
I'm going to steal her alternative to cream- As there is no way we can fir a cake in the fridge! and her instructions for making the cherry filling (Whole cherries sounds difficult to cut) and for her frosting as it sounds interesting. The advantage of not using cream is that I can make the cake the day before, and keep the fillings in the fridge, assemble it xmas morning and then leave it out.
No melty/sour cream disaster.
I will however be using a normal chocolate cake recipe (Sprinkle bakes recipe uses buttermilk and I don't even know what that is!)- and it's doubtful mine will be as perfect as hers! *cake envy*
Boiled whipped vanilla filling
1/4 cup/32g flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups/460g whole milk
2 cups/1 lb unsalted butter, softened
2 cups/400g granulated sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract
- In a medium saucepan, whisk together flour and 1/2 cup of milk until smooth. Set over medium heat and let cook for 3 minutes, or until slightly hot. Whisk in remaining milk and salt. Whisk constantly until the mixture is thick and paste-like (almost like pudding). Remove from heat and pour into a separate bowl. Place in the refrigerator until cool. When cool, mixture will be thick like set custard.
- In a large bowl (or bowl of a stand mixer, if you have one) beat the butter and sugar together until fluffy. Add vanilla and mix well. Beat in cooled flour mixture one tablespoon at a time on medium-high speed. When all the flour mixture is added, beat on high speed until light and fluffy, about 6 minutes. Rub a little frosting between your fingers, if sugar granules remain, beat for 4 more minutes, or until granules cannot be detected with fingers. Set aside (do not refrigerate) and prepare cherries and syrup.
24 oz. jar morello cherries in light syrup
3 tablespoons kirschwasser liqueur
1/4 cup/50g granulated sugar
6 oz. black cherry jam or jelly
- Drain cherries and reserve 3/4 cup of cherry juice. Chop cherries (I used a food processor) and press through a sieve to remove additional juice created during chopping. Stir cherries together with black cherry jam or jelly. Set aside.
- Combine 3/4 cup cherry juice and 1/4 cup sugar in a small saucepan. Set over low heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove and stir in kirsch liqueur.
1/2 cup/46g unsweet cocoa powder
1/2 cup/115g freshly brewed hot coffee
1/4 cup/50g granulated sugar
2 cups/1 lb. unsalted butter, softened
3 1/2 cups/ 1 1/2 lbs. semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
- Combine cocoa and hot coffee in a small bowl; whisk until smooth and set aside to cool. Beat sugar and butter together in a large bowl using an electric mixer (or stand mixer with whip attachment, preferred). Gradually beat in cooled chocolate; scrape down bowl and beat again. With the mixer on medium-low speed, gradually add cocoa/coffee mixture. Beat until smooth. If frosting is too lax to frost cake, place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, or until just firm enough to spread.

If you think you're kitchen capable enough here is the link- but I know my kitchen limitations and even the frosting surpasses them!
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