I sent Traff to the window to shout at the offending youth only for him to be like "the house over the road is on fire". what we'd actually heard was the windows exploding.
We were really shocked- we both just watched for a while- I mean, for most eventualities someone tells you what is expected of you- but if someones house has become an inferno instructions are thin on the ground- there were flames and smoke coming through the roof.
After some faffing we realised there wasn't a fire engine at the scene. Traff wanted to run over and check- although in hind sight I'm sure the instruction is just to ring even if you think someone already has?
I'm not sure.
Someone told me this stuff in primary school. in assembly. in junior school.
no-one told me I'd ever actually need to use it.
We really felt like we should be doing something- But what I'm not sure.
We just ended up lying awake until the alarm went off wondering if we should be doing something.
this was the report from the Beds on sunday- with a link to a video one of the neighbours has taken:
Image showing fire crews in St Michael's Road, Bedford filmed by a neighbour
Five people - including two children - have been rescued from a three-storey flat fire in Bedford.
Dramatic footage has been published onto YouTube of the blaze in St Michael’s Road which started at 5.20 on Wednesday morning.
The fire started in a flat at the back of the building with the video, filmed by a neighbour, showing a fireman rescuing two children from a first-floor window and a woman being dragged from the fire.
Five fire crews and an aerial platform were in attendance with Bedfordshire and Luton Fire Rescue spokesman, Neil Thompson, confirming that all people had been accounted for.
Around 30 fire fighters were at the scene.
Incident commander, Guy Munno, said: “Crews worked extremely hard. When they arrived there was a severe fire in progress and fire fighters have had to tackle the fire inside the building where they used breathing apparatus. Fire fighters had to remove roof tiles from the building to expose the fire and so they could tame the flames.”
A video of the rescue can bee seen here http://bit.ly/KuOtlC
Any views expressed by the publisher of the video do not reflect those of Bedfordshire on Sunday or Bedford Midweek.
I'll be honest though- filming it would not have been my first priority.
Traff went to work this evening and it turned out the council had rehoused all the people from the flats there for the time being- so he got all the gossip.
Apparently everyone is fine, except the woman who was taken to hospital but she was breathing when she left the scene of the fire.
I really hope she makes a full recover, and that they get everything sorted out as soon as possible.
It was scary and horrible enough just to be woken up by, let alone if its your house.