Wednesday 7 November 2018

My rubbish day

Please, allow me to enlighten you about my rubbish day. I put in an offer on the kingshill road house at 9.30 in the morning and it got rejected in the evening but I stressed over it all day.

I put the offer in early in the morning because I had a hospital appt in Oxford. Hospital was fine but had to have loads of blood taken for tests. Between the heat in the hospital and my house stress I fainted in the hospital (which is an extremely underwhelming experience as I guess people faint on nurses all the time). Eventually they let me leave after a glass of cold water and being fanned a bit.

I got the bus into town and still felt a bit odd, had some lunch (I found a really good Korean place in the covered market) and thought I was feeling better but got the bus back to seacourt park and ride just in case. All fine.

Then I drove out of the park and ride as though someone had replaced my brain with a potato. I drove as though the exit is one way- so ended up indicating to turn right in the lane or oncoming traffic. Then possibly ran a red light? A police car gave way and let me out so I was like 'don't do anything else stupid or they'll pull you over'. I was too busy trying to drive nicely, got in the wrong lane for the A420 and cut the police car up again 🤦.

Maggie rang saying she's been speaking to building control and has a new plan. I rang our solicitor and could hear her rolling her eyes. Awaiting 'new plan's update. Solicitor advises to continue with kingshill road enquiries. But they rejected us. So it's pretty irrelevant.

I did find another house to look at, so we'll go check it out on Saturday.

Then we had a message from Maggie saying she's going to do the building work in about 2-3 weeks.
So I've arranged for Jenni and Therese to stay at ray's and maybe for Marley to stay at my parents.
So we now need to move all the furniture.

My final potato brained act was to drop the car off in Sainsbury's car park instead of the garage.
I did figure it out and get it to the right place.

Against everyone's advice I had a generous gin after my shitty day. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I fell asleep at about 9.30.

Best thing for it really.

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